Easy Dulce de Leche


This recipe is every where on the web. It’s not rocket science. In fact its the easiest caramel sauce you can make. You don’t even have to bother opening the can. Peel the label off a can of sweetened condensed milk. Put it in a pot, laying it on its side, and totally immersed in water. Simmer for 2 hours. Make sure to keep the water level above the can for the duration. Once it is cook, remove it from the hot water, and allow to cool before opening.

Latin America is where dulce de leche originates. Like so many delicious concoctions, which were stumbled upon by an accident in the kitchen, dulce is a fantastic sauce. It is prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a sauce that develops its flavor from the chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that gives browned food its distinctive flavor.

It is super delicious and very convenient when you need delicious caramel sauce. Try it on ice cream, over the top of Cream Puffs, in layer cakes, or even on Cheesecake. Truly limitless possibilities.